The 2013 Conference on Intelligent Semantic Web and

 Cloud Applications


IJJ: The Research Bulletin of JORDAN ACM - ISWSA

ISSN: 2078-7952 (print); 2078-7960 (online)

Jordan ACM Chapter - ISWSA Research Bulletin is a scholarly (Peer Reviewed) journal that publishes the highest quality contributions about the design and evaluation of computer and linguistics software.  The research bulletin is the official periodical of JORDAN ACM Chapter - ISWSA and is published quarterly. Topics include but not limited to practical areas of the design, development, and evaluation of software along with their associated theory.

Our associate editors place emphasis on the originality and novelty of submissions. Check out their publications and their collaborative colleages. Authors of invited manuscripts are industry leaders of their respective fields.

© 2013 Jordan ACM Professional Chapter - ISWSA