The First Jordan ACM Professionals Programming Contest

(JAPPC 2013) 

Amman, Jordan

April 30, 2013




The Steering Committee for the Jordan ACM Professionals Programming Contest (JAPPC) is seeking programming problems for the The First (JAPPC) to be held in Amman, Jordan and organized by the Jordan ACM - ISWSA Professional Chapter.

The contest website is and is technically sponsered by The Jordan ACM Professional Chapter - ISWSA. 


Each contributor must submit at least two problems. Contributors must have no coaching activities with JAPPC contestants during the upcoming Contest. The contributor of a selected problem might be given the option of becoming a judge during the contest. All problems must be submitted by Feb 26, 2013.

This date is firm and cannot be extended. Earlier submissions are encouraged. 

Each contributor must submit at least two problems, each consisting of:

A problem statement (description);

A solution in ANSI C, C++, or Java; And

Input/Output files to use for judging. 

Problems must be original. Do not send past problems, problems taken from the Internet or text books, problems you've used in class work, training sessions, etc.

Problem statements should be written in unambiguous, simple English. English is not the first language for most contestants. All problems must require input.

Unless the core of the problem is input/output related, the formats chosen for input data and the displayed results should be relatively simple. Still, the format of the input data and the appearance of the expected displayed results must be described in suitable detail.

Input must be taken from a single input file. Nevertheless, multiple data sets testing different cases are appropriate; make the problem statement include iterative data sets. See past problems sets for examples.

Anticipate questions about special cases. Where appropriate, explicitly state that certain special cases will not appear in the input data. It is not necessary to specifically identify the special cases that will appear. Contestants must write solutions for problems in a short time. While very simple problems are not appropriate, neither are problems that require a great deal of code; a few hundred lines of Java or C should be an upper limit on what can be expected in a solution.

The program and chosen test data should not require excessive execution time. Contestants' solutions may be less efficient than yours and so a generous margin is allowed for execution. Your solution should solve all test cases within 10 seconds on a moderately equipped computer.

The problem description (excluding sample input/output) should fit on a single A4 page using a 12pt font. Exceptions are allowed if the problem statement include big figures. Check past problem sets.

 For each problem you propose, prepare a solution in C/C++ or Java. Providing counter-solutions (solutions that should not be allowed by the judges,) will greatly help the judges.

Include comments in your code, even though the contestants' code need not be commented.

Make sure that your program correctly solves the problem! Include test data that illustrates the generic and special cases that you expect the contestants' solutions to handle.

Data must be unambiguous when printed. Consider carefully those cases where trailing blanks (or leading blanks, etc.) will make a difference in a program that processes input data.

If several test cases are included, describe the manner in which data for the test cases is separated in a single file.

Include a rationale for each of the test cases you provide. This will help identify missing test cases as well as identify those cases where a student solution fails.

Put a copy of the sample input data first followed by general cases, ones which student solutions are likely to get. Stress tests (boundary values) should appear last. 

Use a separate directory for each problem. Problem description can be sent as Adobe PDF, Plain Text, or, as a last resort, MS Word document. Pack all the directories in a single zip file.

 Amjad M Daoud, PhD

JAPPC Director

Jordan ACM - ISWSA Professional Chapter

Tel. +962 796 006061



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